Welcome to Carusicarus Practice!

Updated: Jul 9, 2019

Dear Icarus,

Welcome to the birth of Carusicarus Practice.

What a joyous moment to launch a new enterprise with your namesake. The prepping to get this company off the ground has been years in the making. It goes without saying that opening a business is a dream of many and a reality of few. We look at business owners and see bravery, leadership, confidence, and inspiration, while failing to acknowledge that fear is there. We have that fear yet open our hearts and doors anyway. With Carusicarus blog site, I want to take you behind the scenes of what it took to get to where the company is at each milestone and everywhere in between.

I am the founder of Carusicarus Parctice, Brittney Lanosga. I find deep value in the study of wellbeing on an individual level up to community and global levels. My curiosity around the human experience has taken me to depths that are not easy to feel, look at, or be witnessed in. Without fail, every single instance, I have come out the other side powerfully and bursting with new life creating heights that had never before occurred to me in existence. Here you will find what challenges I have faced...some I still face in real time. As I be with my feelings, thoughts, and circumstances in each moment, I move through it harmoniously with rhythms of my authentic being.

The Whole of Wellness

This practice has been created to encompass the whole of wellness. I built the foundation with what I hold most sacred to me. Reiki has been the ever present force behind what drives me. I knew I had to start here. The utmost importance now lies in my practice to steady my heart and focus as I fill a tall order in my vision for the space, what services to offer, and beyond. Trust me this is HUGE! I used to want to grow up and be like barbie in the sense that she was everything; police barbie, dolphin trainer barbie, olympic swimmer barbie, astronaut barbie, veterinarian barbie, etc. I want to know about all things I don’t know about and was one hundred percent devoted to becoming a well rounded human who was a jack of all trades not necessarily a master in any. As I write today, it isn’t that I no longer subscribe to that; It just was not working for me and has transformed. I knew the next thing I chose to put my heart into absolutely had to be what I wanted to commit to for the rest of my time here. It was a matter of life or death of my mind, body, and spirit.

I recenter my awareness to align with the exact phase of my vision that I am currently working to express in its entirety. Today’s website launch marks that leap. That moment you are standing at the edge, have checked all you can check, but still leap into the future of the unknown. With the strongest foundation, I now build and alter my wings mid leap to support you, Icarus, in the rise and fall.

Future Blog Topics
These will be the topics I dive into this month to give you a sneak peak into the challenges and triumphs of creating a business centered around holistic health.

  • Heart - Romantic Relationships and Friendships

  • Mind - School, Education, and Learning

  • Body - Adolescence, Social Media, Nutrition and Fitness

  • Spirit - Passion and Career

Spiritually Yours,

Brittney Lanosga